Wet Methods/PM
CleanAir performs all aspects of wet method testing. While the EPA methods form the basis for most compliance programs, we are also prepared to perform ASTM, NCASI, CARB and proprietary methods.
CleanAir has a long history of compliance and specialized testing. This experience includes a multitude of industries and many wet test methods from various origins. CleanAir is accredited to perform the EPA, CARB, ASTM and the NCASI methods listed below.
Additionally, CleanAir has developed client specific test methods and programs. We have tested for constituents that fall outside of standard methods or on uncommon processes. CleanAir draws upon our experience to develop test programs that meet our client’s data quality objectives regardless of whether testing is for compliance, a one-off engineering test, or anything in between. Our experience includes:
• Acid Gases (HCl, HF, H2SO4/SO3)
• Aldehyde Compounds (CH2O, CH3CHO, C6H5OH)
• Hazardous Air Pollutants (187+ compounds)
• Metals (including Mercury)
• Particle Size Distribution Testing
• Particulate Matter (filterable, non-sulfate, condensable, PM10 and PM2.5 fractions)
• Sulfur Compounds – H2S, COS, CS2, CH4S
Low Detection Limits
Although particulate matter measurements start in the field, obtaining low detection limits is a function of laboratory practices and innovation. Our NELAC accredited laboratory consistently reports detection limits that are an order of magnitude lower than EPA requirements. CleanAir conducts our gravimetric program in a state-of-the-art, climate-controlled environment. This minimizes static impacts during the weighing process and utilizes carefully selected balances and beakers.
Particle Sizing
To design new particulate control equipment and/or diagnose problems on existing devices, it is essential to have accurate particle size distribution data. CleanAir performs complex particle size distribution test programs to improve the performance of ESPs, baghouses and other pollution control devices. 40 years of experience with in-situ Cascade Impactors has given us the capability to determine size specific morphology and chemical speciation. We also have the ability to sample in wet environments and obtain particle sizing data from droplet laden gas streams.
Method Development
CleanAir partners with the EPA, ASTM and NCASI to develop test methodologies. By working alongside these agencies CleanAir understands what goes into developing test methods. CleanAir has seen it all. We understand the rules regarding reagents, detection limit determination, interferences and appropriate applications. Our extensive experience affords us the capability to know what approaches are the most effective for a successful test program.
EPA Methods 1, 1A, 2, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H, 3, 3A, 3B, 4, 5, 5A, 5D, 5E, 5F, 5H, 5I, 9, 12, 13A, 13B, 14, 14A, 15, 15A, 16, 16A, 17, 22, 23, 26, 26A, 29, 30B, PS1, PS6, PS11, PS12A, PS12B, 101, 101A, 102, 104, 106, 201, 201A, 202, 306, 316
Conditional EPA Methods 13, 27
SW-846 Methods 0010, 0011, 0023A, 0030, 0031, 0050, 0051, 0060, 0061
CARB Methods 425, 426, 428, 429, 430, 431, 501
ASTM Methods D6784-02, D6831-02, D6735-01, D6831-02
NCASI Method CI/SG/Pulp 94.02, SI/CG/Pulp 94.03
Other EPA Test Method 029
CleanAir can perform traditional RATAs and compliance testing based on standard EPA test methods. However, these services are just the beginning of what CleanAir has to offer in this realm. Cloud based measurements programs, automatic data collection for RATAs, CEM Rentals and PEMs are all tools CleanAir can use to assist you with your monitoring, regulatory and compliance needs. CleanAir has experience with RATAs, emission compliance, long-term monitoring, performance guarantees and engineering studies. To learn about our autoCEMs click here.
CleanAir has a long history of conducting RATAs, RRAs, CGAs and compliance tests utilizing mobile CEMs trailers. Over the past several years, we have developed an automated system that supports greater efficiency and service. CleanAir is accredited to perform the following methods:
• Instrumental Methods – SO2, NOx, CO, THC, O2, CO2, NH3, TRS (by GC)
• Organic compounds (Ethylene oxide)
• Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) (Total & Speciated)
• Sulfur Compounds – H2S, COS, CS2, CH4S
Performance Guarantee and Tuning
As a new natural gas generation came online, CleanAir was able to mobilize to tune and conduct performance guarantee testing. As the tuning process may take a day, week or even months, CleanAir has the experienced team and tools in place to accommodate any size or test program duration across the globe. Our engineers are familiar with the intricacies of testing on these units and have the know-how and equipment to get the low-level measurements that are often required for these programs. We understand the need for both standard constituents such as NOX and CO, however, we are also experienced with how low level VOCs play a role in the tuning and compliance process. For low level ppm VOC and NH3 injection levels, CleanAir utilizes an FTIR for continuous real-time measurements.
Predictive Emission Monitoring System
Predictive Emission Monitoring Systems (PEMS) are models that predict air pollution emissions based on fuel and operating conditions against modelled emissions studies. As PEMS models utilize process measurements and other variables as inputs, PEMS are an efficient and cost effective way to demonstrate emissions compliance with federal regulatory emissions limits under 40 CFR Part 60, 61, or 63. CleanAir designs PEMS models that follow EPA Performance Specification 16 (PS 16).
To build a PEMS model that meets PS 16, emissions data must be collected over a series of operating conditions that encompass a defined operating envelope. A broad operating envelope can make building PEMS models cost-prohibitive. CleanAir’s AutoCEMS systems are an excellent tool for collecting large amounts of PEMS data in these situations. Additionally, our AutoCEMS performs continuous automated EPA reference method testing which supports 24/7 data collection without onsite personnel. CleanAir’s AutoCEMS supports a cost-effective way to obtain high quality PEMS data sets.
Increasingly, our clients wish to measure VOCs at the sub parts per million (ppm) level much more frequently. While VOC testing has been a part of stack testing for a long time, low level measurements present new challenges. The steps to lowering your ambient VOC concentrations often starts by taking process measurements as once the objectives are understood, we can identify appropriate sampling and analytical techniques to provide the needed data. We actively work with our clients to achieve maximum efficiency from control devices such as RTOs and wet/dry bed scrubbers.
STAC/A2LA Accredited Methods
EPA Methods 3, 3A, 3B, 6C, 7E, 10, 10A, 10B, 16C, 20, 25A, 25B, 25C, 25D, 25E, 30A, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS4A, PS5, PS7, PS15, PS16, PS18, 204, 204B, 204C, 204D, 205, 318, 320, 321, Part 75 CEMS
Conditional Test Method 0030
ASTM D6348-03
Lab Analysis
Our laboratory technicians will work with you to tailor our services to your project’s needs. We provide industry-leading turnaround times with rush options available. Some of our rush options are as low as 24 hours! We can get you accurate results fast to help you get your report out on time!
CleanAir’s Laboratory offers a variety of services to suit your project’s analytical needs. Some of our popular offerings include:
1. Resistivity on various process materials such as fly ash.
2. Gravimetric analysis for many EPA and ASTM methods.
3. Using Ion Chromatography, we look for HCl, chloride, HF, Fluoride, many others.
4. Using Gas Chromatography, we can look for methane, ethane and many others.
5. Analysis of wet flue-gas desulfurization (FGD) process samples for guarantees and troubleshooting.
Compliance and Performance Guarantee
Compliance, tuning, & performance guarantee testing can all be done with a single contractor. CleanAir has experience with natural gas startups, SCR tuning, ESPs, wet ESPs, SDAs, baghouses, scrubbers and activated carbon injection systems. CleanAir is able to apply our robust experience and apply our knowledge to any industry.
Do you have permit compliance, tuning and performance guaranteed stack testing needs? If so, you may enjoy using a single contractor instead of multiple ones! CleanAir utilizes standard and custom test methods to get you the data you need. When it comes to providing data to follow environmental regulations and operational efficiency, we’ve got you covered. CleanAir has executed thousands of test programs around the world. These tests have used a broad range of air pollution control devices. Some of these include SCRs, ESPs, wet ESPs, SDAs, baghouses, scrubbers and activated carbon injection systems. CleanAir also provides testing services for dry sorbent injection systems and RTOs.
Comprehensive Stack Testing Programs
Need stack testing? We’ve tested stacks for industries including power generation, oil refineries and more. Our full suite of EPA, ASTM, NCASI and proprietary methods go above and beyond federal, local and state required protocols.
Need help determining and scheduling your emissions testing needs for the year?
CleanAir is happy to assist in determining stack testing programs for a single year or several. We are always here to assist you as CleanAir specializes in service!
Plant & Equipment Commissioning (Performance Guarantees)
CleanAir utilizes decades of experience to support all-inclusive emissions testing programs. We can meet project deliverables in a timely and cost-effective manner.
Regulatory Compliance Testing
CleanAir partners with our clients to demonstrate emissions compliance against regulatory requirements. CleanAir has extensive emissions testing experience for many types of sources. This includes boilers, burners, catalytic cracking units, clinker coolers, cracking units, combustors, dryers, economizers, engines, fuel gas lines, fluidized beds, furnaces, HRSG, incinerators, in-situ vitrification units, kilns, ovens, presses, printers, reactors, reboilers, reformers, roasters, separators, sterilization units, sulfur recovery units, tanks and turbines.
PS-11, RRA, & RCA Testing
Performance Specification 11, Relative Response Audit and Response Correlation Audit tests have specific guidelines and rules that can be difficult to navigate. CleanAir asks the right questions upfront, performs the appropriate pre-tests and plans each stage of a project. This allows us to expedite testing and minimize the impact on your schedule.
Diagnostic & Combustion Engineering Emissions Support
CleanAir assists our clients with integrated onsite support to identify operational emissions conditions. We can help you identify emissions issues so that you can operate more efficiently.
Emissions Profiling
CleanAir specializes in working with high temperature, toxic and explosive gas streams to identify complex constituents.
SCR & SNCR Optimization/Ammonia Injection Balancing
CleanAir provides engineering support to ensure efficient use of reagent injection systems with airflow studies and real-time emissions monitoring.
Have you ever been frustrated because your stack test report was not submitted to you in time? CleanAir understands that industry clients have deadlines and often require prompt reporting. We guarantee on-time reporting for all of our stack tests.
Litigation Support
Have questions about one of your compliance tests? We have an answer! CleanAir serves many of our clients and their legal counsel with litigation support. Some specific areas of litigation experience include stationary source emissions and compliance test method evaluation. We also work with compliance test validity and can provide a technical review of completed test programs. This includes a review of the selected test method and application, data collection, QA/QC and reporting. CleanAir consults for law firms and industry clients in the development of technical arguments, strategies and expert witness testimony.
VOCs determinations have become an ongoing concern as new technologies support lower levels of detection for compounds that have typically been below detection limits. CleanAir has recently expanded testing capabilities in this area. As always, CleanAir offers a suite of wet method volatile and semi-volatile test methods along with gas chromatography, both real-time in the field and/or post-test laboratory analysis. Additionally, CleanAir utilizes the FTIR to speciate VOCs and specialized equipment for monitoring ethylene oxide.
CleanAir has a long history testing VOCs from a multitude of emissions sources. Our engineering teams understand the aspects and intricacies of VOC testing. We select the appropriate approach whether the program is to determine emissions, destruction efficiency, speciate VOCs, or identify unknown compounds. CleanAir can also perform permanent and temporary enclosure testing, RTO temperature ramping to improve efficiency and low-level VOC sampling into the ppb range depending on the compound(s) of interest.
FTIR, or Fourier-Transform Inferred Spectroscopy, is used for a broad range of measurements because it can simultaneously measure many compounds at low detection limits. It is a incredible tool for measuring ammonia, organics, sulfur compounds, NOx and much more. CleanAir designs and executes both short and long-term measurement projects for our clients.
FTIR is one of the tools that CleanAir uses for speciating and quantifying low level VOCs. Proper FTIR sampling and spectral analysis can quantify a wide range of organic compounds. We deploy technology (both hardware and software) advancements that allow us to make parts per billion (ppb) measurements for compounds such as ethylene oxide (EtO) and formaldehyde (CH2O).
While many companies can put an FTIR in the field, our operators are what make the difference. They have the experience to use the FTIR to determine not just a number, but the proper number. When used correctly, the FTIR is a powerful analytical tool.
Gas Chromatography
CleanAir customizes our GC analyzers to measure a wide range of VOC compounds at various concentrations. We pre-screen and obtain reliable concentration measurements for numerous organic compounds. The GC is commonly used to measure the hydrocarbon content of fuel and flare gas lines, as well as other process streams for our oil and gas clients.
Our Story
Since 1972, CleanAir has been a leader in the stack testing business. During this time, we have worked in a multitude of industries across the globe perfecting our craft and building a culture of excellence. If you have an issue where standard methodology fails, sampling is in a difficult location, or everything needs to be performed with little time to prepare, contact us. We’ve done this every day for the past 48 years! We’ll design specific equipment, develop processes and create new test methods to safely measure, interpret and deliver the highest quality data.
New environmental regulations reduce margins for error and increase the impact of biases. CleanAir has stepped forward to identify and execute proper test programs. CleanAir dedicates the time, resources and qualified people at all stages of a project. Our experts drive the planning process to improve efficiency, safety, data quality, on-time reporting and customer satisfaction.
CleanAir has been at the forefront in the development of stack testing methodology. We work extensively with the EPA, ASTM, NCASI and other organizations to develop test methods. CleanAir has experience with all EPA methodologies and has over four decades of putting them to use in real-world settings.
CleanAir’s field engineers have performed compliance, diagnostic and engineering testing world-wide. These tests have been across a multitude of industries. Here are a few:
• Coal and Natural Gas Power Generation
• Semi-conductors
• Petroleum and Refineries Pulp & Paper
• Food processing
• Aluminum
• Medical Sterilization
• Steel Mills
• Manufacturing
• Chemical Manufacturing
• Aerospace
• Automotive
CleanAir holds accreditation for field work by STAC (ASTM D7036), LELAP, A2LA and ISO 17025. Our in-house laboratory is NELAP accredited and we also hold the MCERTS (UK) certification under the ILAC MRA.