Stack Testing Brochure
CleanAir Offers An Integrated Array of Comprehensive Technical And Consulting Services
Stack Testing
Our team of experts can provide the accurate stack and emissions testing you need to make critical operational and compliance decisions.
- Particulate matter (including Filterable, Non-Sulfate, Condensable, PM10 and PM2.5 fractions)
- In-Situ Particle Size Distribution Testing
- Acid gases, HCl, HF, H2SO4/SO3
- Metals (including Mercury)
- Dioxins/Furans, PCBs and PAHs
- Speciated volatile organic compounds (VOC) and total reduced sulfur compounds (TRS)using GC
- SO2, NH4, NOx, CO, CO2, O2, THC
Specialty Testing
We can utilize a wide range of testing methods to provide solutions that are fast, reliable and accurate.
- Real-Time Analysis of Industrial Gas Streams
- FCCU Studies
- 3-D Flow Studies
- SCR Optimization
- “Wet” Particle Size Distribution and PM10/PM2.5 Testing
- Mercury Testing and Monitoring Using 12B/30B
- Sulfuric Acid Mist Sampling Using Controlled Condensation
- Flare Performance w/Passive FTIR
- Open Path FTIR and UV-DOAS
Performance Services
At power plants all over the globe we provide a broad range of plant performance support tailored to create value based solutions:
- New Plant Component Acceptance
- Heat Rate Capacity Assessment
- Cooling Tower Thermal Performance and Drift Emissions Testing
- Annual Power Purchase Agreements
- Air & Noise Emissions
We are a single source supplier of air pollution sampling equipment for either Purchase or Rental.
- Source Gas Monitors
- Ambient Air Monitors
- Isokinetic Sampling Equipment
- CEM System Components
- Calibration Gases