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Thermo TEOM 1405-DF

Thermo TEOM 1405-DF



The Thermo TEOM 1405-DF provides direct mass measurements and FDMS to account for volatile and non-volatile PM fractions. Designed to meet U.S. and international particulate matter monitoring regulations for PM2.5 and PM10. Network-Ready, touch-screen GUI, built-in instructions for calibration and set-up.

Alternative items available for rent:

Met One BAM 1020
Met One BAM 1022

Thermo TEOM 1405-DF Ambient Particulate Monitor


  • Utilizes TEOM technology to provide direct mass measurements and FDMS to account for volatile and nonvolatile PM fractions
  • Designed to meet US and International Particulate Monitoring Regulations
  • Compact, stand alone, network-ready unit which utilizes a virtual impactor to measure PM Fine (PM-2.5) and PM Coarse concentrations with the ability to output PM-10
  • Touch-screen GUI interface quickly and intuitively accesses system status, TEOM data, settings, and instrument conditions
  • A service screen provides access to software wizards which walk the user through calibration and maintenance procedures with detailed instructions and pictures
Part Number
TEOM 1405-DF

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CleanAir Engineering offers full-service calibration or repair for this item. To learn more, contact a technician today at: 1-800-553-5511. Or, complete our repair request form to begin your service request today! Most out-of-calibration or out-of-service instruments can be shipped to any one of our four technical service centers, in Chicago, Houston, Pittsburgh, or Marseille, France.