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New CTI Test Code Guidance for Testing Dry Coolers


The Cooling Technology Institute (CTI) has recently announced the release of ATC-105DS, a new test code for air cooled fluid coolers, more commonly referred to as dry coolers.

This newly published dry cooling supplement is an addendum to the ATC-105 Acceptance Test Code for Wet Cooling Towers. The supplement for dry cooling specifies the measurement of inlet dry-bulb temperature for the dry cooler under test as opposed to inlet wet-bulb temperature, which is required for evaporative (wet) towers.

Since dry fluid coolers frequently use a solution of glycol as the process fluid, the supplement also provides a method for correcting for the thermodynamic properties of the process fluid.

Like an evaporative cooling tower, the dry cooler is tested as a unit, inclusive of the fan. In contrast with ASME PTC-30, airflow rate measurements are not required, which makes it practical to test multiple fan units. The major parameters required for the test method specified by the dry supplement are:

  • Process fluid flow
  • Process fluid inlet temperature
  • Process fluid outlet temperature
  • Process fluid composition
  • Inlet dry bulb temperature
  • Fan motor power

The number and placement of dry bulb temperature sensors are based on the air inlet cross sectional area in the same manner as wet bulb temperature sensors are configured for a wet cooling tower.

The CTI Press Release from last September includes a link that allows you to purchase the new supplement as well as other CTI standards, codes, and guidelines.

As one of the CTI licensed test agents for cooling towers, CleanAir has decades of experience in testing cooling towers, closed circuit cooling towers, and air-cooled condensers. This experience allows CleanAir to plan and conduct acceptance tests of all types of heat rejection equipment, including dry fluid coolers, with the high accuracy required by the test codes, while minimizing costs.

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