Sorbent Trap Mercury Monitoring Systems (STMMS)
Our 5th Generation MET-80™ system in its MET-80CL configuration. The system is designed to meet all 40 CFR 63, Subpart UUUUU requirements for mercury emissions monitoring compliance and feature our latest product enhancements, including:
- Dual-range high-precision thermal mass flow meters (no mechanical dry gas meters)
- Patented tool-free and easy-exchange sorbent trap probe
- National Instruments CompactRIO (cRIO) logic controller for reliable operation and hassle-free integration with plant data acquisition and handling systems (DAHS)
- The latest METRIC™ software, which provides powerful features such as stack flow mapping to maintain system uptime
- Automated flow meter calibration while the system is in operation to maintain high data availability
The MET-80 is the only industry-proven, turn-key sorbent trap mercury monitoring system (STMMS) that is designed and manufactured specifically for long-term mercury monitoring using sorbent trap sampling. Since the introduction of the MET-80 in 2007, several companies have tried to imitate it by assembling similar systems from “off-the-shelf” stack testing components. However, no one can match the experience and performance of the MET-80.
MET-80 Sorbent Trap Probe
The CleanAir patented sorbent trap probe (U.S. Patent No. 7,802,485 B2) accommodates a pair of co-located sorbent traps. The traps are positioned at the end of the probe and inserted directly into the stack. The traps and probe are maintained at a temperature sufficiently high to prevent condensation of flue gas moisture.
The traps are held in place using a positive, leak-free connecting system designed for easy, tool-free, and rapid exchange of the traps between sampling periods.
The latest MET-80CL probe includes the following enhancements over previous models:
- Sorbent trap holders that accommodate the use of sorbent traps of various lengths
- Upgraded heater to maintain temperature setpoint in wet flue gas applications
- Stack thermocouple protection via C-276 Hastelloy or 316L Stainless Steel sheathing
- Trap shield for wet stack applications
- High-density heater wrap (traps) to maintain consistent heating throughout trap length
- Removable end cap to allow easier repair when needed
MET-80CL Sampler Cabinet

All MET-80CL components are enclosed in a compact insulated industrial fiber-glass enclosure (24”x48”x16”) which can be easily installed as a wall-mounted application or on the supplied stand. The insulated enclosure is NEMA4X – rated and environmentally controlled to accommodate the most extreme operating conditions. The insulated cabinet and air conditioning system is an improvement from the previous MET-80 model as it performs very well in interior stack platform installations where potential temperature extremes exist (e.g. >120°F).
METRICTM Software – The Difference Maker
The MET-80CL runs on CleanAir’s own METRICTM software package, with configurations for users to see the data, operate the sampling hardware, and access or control the alarm and status indicator functions. CleanAir has developed the METRIC software over the last ten years in-house and continues to incorporate enhancements to provide the most straightforward, intuitive, and comprehensive user interface and software package available.
- Prop+ sampling mode – algorithm to maintain a user-defined SFSR
- Custom alarm communication through Modbus
- Custom alarm and operating settings – system reliability
- Pre-configured sampling profiles (Long term sampling or RATA mode)
- On-screen keyboard
- SMART stack flow input management to avoid invalid operation
- Comprehensive operating display
- Customer friendly and intuitive interface
- Maintenance Mode – real-time raw system readings and control capabilities
- Fully automated calibration
- Scanner functionality for sorbent trap ID input
- Alarm history feature

Turnkey PS 12B Calibration Auditing Kit

CleanAir’s MET-80 Calibration Kit includes a NIST-traceable volumetric flow reference standard, which fully integrates with the MET-80CL. The METRIC software package automates the entire calibration process, allowing simple, quick volume auditing without taking the system offline. This ensures high data availability throughout the calibration process.
Equipment for Rent and Sale
CleanAir offers a range of MET-80 Systems and components for rent and sale. View our catalog.
Inquiry today about purchasing a MET-80CL system.