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Infrared Remote Velocity Measurement


One of the cool projects we are working on involves remote sensing of stack gas velocity using infrared imaging and digital image correlation. Using this technique, we can determine stack gas flow without even climbing the stack… stack-free stack testing. Another way we do stack-free stack testing is by using drones to measure stack emissions.

Preliminary tests show results that agree with US EPA Method 2 or 2F to within a few percent. This would be great for a quick check of stack flow or on sources that are hazardous or hard to access.

Check out the video below for a playful general overview of this method to remotely measure gas velocity using a camera.

One of the cameras we used to do this is FLIR SC8313 High Speed Infrared Camera. These cameras have applications beyond measuring stack emissions. They can be used for:

  1. Measuring Flame speed in a flare
  2. Measuring Mobile Emissions from a ship, aircraft, etc
  3. Many Other applications

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